Follow-up of the world health organization caregivers skills training in Brazil
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Caregivers Skills Training (CST) is a World Health Organization program developed to assist caregivers of children with developmental delays and teach them to stimulate the development of children’s skills. The program is being implemented in more than 30 countries and evidence points to an improvement in both training objectives. In Brazil, the CST was adapted and validated, is inserted and is being disseminated in the context of public health. However, despite the positive results of the program at the end of the training, there is no evidence in the global context of long-term effectiveness. In this context, the present research aimed to evaluate the perception of the impact of CST in different periods after completing the training. Thirteen caregivers participated and were grouped according to the time elapsed since they completed the training (6, 12 or 18 months). Three focus groups were conducted, which were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using Content Analysis. The results indicate that caregivers cited the following as positive impacts of the program: 1) development of the child’s skills; 2) greater caregiver empowerment; 3) more appropriate management of disruptive behaviors; 4) better organization of the
environment and routine; 5) development of family relationships; and 6) establishment of support networks. Furthermore, caregivers suggested including the topics of toilet training and feeding and holding meetings after the end of the CST to review the topics. The differences found between the groups can be associated with the type of training or focus group (online or in person). The perception of positive impacts and suggestions from the program are in line with and complement the immediate findings of the program, as well as indicating the permanence of the effects of the training in the medium term.
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How to Cite
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