Evidence of the association of ankyloglossia with body asymmetry and its repercussions in babies - A Scoping Review
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The formation and maturation of organs, systems and biomechanics, when exposed to adverse intra- or extra-uterine contexts, can generate congenital anomalies such as ankyloglossia, a possible explanation for some body asymmetries and impairments in neuro psychomotor evolution. The study aimed to map scientific productions that verified the association between ankyloglossia, asymmetries and neuro psychomotor development in the baby’s first year under the question: What scientific evidence exists on body asymmetry in babies with ankyloglossia that impacts neuro psychomotor development? A scoping review was carried out with keywords such as ankyloglossia, lingual frenulum, tongue tie, body and postural asymmetry, motor development in the first year of life, biomechanics and typical babies. The databases investigated were MEDLINE, LILACS SciELO, with registered descriptors, including terms from MeSH, DeCS using the Boolean operators “OR” and “AND”. Used studies carried out in the last decade. As no article was found comprising all the terms, the search was extended from 1900 onwards and, even so, no articles were found. The types of studies were defined since they were published from 1900 onwards, complete, carried out anywhere, with free download, presenting the aforementioned themes studies related to specific causes. The bibliographic research was carried out from December 2023 to February 2024 and the articles obtained were selected, duplicates removed. Data were extracted regarding author name/year of publication, location, objectives, study designs and interventions carried out in the sample. These were summarized using an Excel spreadsheet and the PRISMA flowchart. 25 articles were qualified, analyzed, coded and subdivided by areas as there were no articles that solely covered the theme. There are no studies in the literature that include scientific evidence regarding the presence of body asymmetry in babies with ankyloglossia that impacts their neuro psychomotor development.
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How to Cite
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