Insight problem resolution: proposal for a useful analytical method for teaching
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Deliberately teaching creative skills is challenging because they become analytical or reproductive for students in the following task. This exploratory work aimed to propose a method for teachers to use insight-based creative problems in instruction. The proposal is based on analytical methods to help students generate the inferences needed to solve this type of problem, as well as to relate the ideas, both inferentialand from the problem statement, through logical reasoning. Several experts generated and reached a consensus on the necessary inferences during the solving of some insight problems. These inferences and the ideas from the problem statements were then connected using logical rules. Rubrics were also designed, with levels based on the students’ ability, or inability, to perform certain mental processes determined through analytical resolutions. These rubrics were tentatively validated with a sample of 127 secondary school students in 8th and 11th grades. Their use allowed for the evaluation of the students’ progress and specific challenges in aspects such as unit decomposition or relaxation of constraints, which are typical of these insight problems, as well as comparisons between different grades.
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