Healthy beneficts of TM in classroom: reduction of anxiety among teachers
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This research aims at the assessment of healthy effects of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) on anxiety among teachers. Indipendent scientific researches, all over the world, have proved that the category of teachers, among the so called helping professions, is mainly undergoing stress. We must care, and cure, our educational spaces, both promoters and users of education, going directly to the core of the matter, giving a scientific support to help teachers in their hard job. The idea comes out from the more and more increasing international interest, during last years, towards the TM and the evaluation of results obtained in schools of all over the world where it is practised: reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, improvement of integration of personality, behaviour, intelligence and so long.
This research examines a sample of teachers of the Secondary School 1st Grade, in Sicily, practicing the TM, in classroom together with their pupils too, and assesses state and trait anxiety factors, compared with a group with the same characteristics (geographical location , age, sex, etc...) not practicing TM. Analysis of data shows how useful is this pratice against the stereotype of the “sluggard and lazy teacher” and why the TM positive effects on stressors can be a great help to our suffering school system.
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How to Cite
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