Siblings: analysis of lived through the design of the family

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Giuseppina Trinceri


Is meant to highlight how the approach to disability of a child has now acquired sense and meaning only if it is the whole world familiar to be taken into consideration, with particular reference to the siblings. In particular, you want to seize, on a sample of 100 siblings, divided into a reference group and one in the control group, the main relational dynamics of typically developing siblings, basic representations and, especially, the indicators of potential risk factors and protective factors compared to the event disability of brother/sister. The heart of this work will be the analysis of associated factors, prototypes and experiences expressed through the drawing of the family and the investigation. You want to activate a search can offer the ability to track down specific elements in regard to their skills, experienced resilience in correlation with the support network or not.

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How to Cite

Siblings: analysis of lived through the design of the family. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 455-464.


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