Influence of environmental factors on higher or lower professional performance

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Heriberto Rodríguez Mateo
Isabel Luján Henríquez
Rosa Mª Rodríguez Arteaga


The aim of this work is to ascertain whether environmental factors labor marked differences between workers greater or lesser efficiency. According Frese and Fay (2001) called environmental supports (labor and organizational conditions) are associated with greater personal initiative, and is in turn influences higher performance. The sample consisted of 175 policemen chosen randomly from the data obtained by the competent authority, in electronic format from the different municipalities of the Canarian autonomous region, divided into two groups: an experimental group (n = 90), defined as effective by police officers a total of 222 subjects and a control group (n = 85) formed by the average of local police officers chosen by random function of the total workforce of police Canary Islands. Through the completion of the Fpsyco 3.1 scale. by the sample, the results no significant differences were observed in all variables analyzed in how to assess environmental conditions. If a qualitative assessment is made even more effective police have a way to see the environmental conditions of their work more critically and constructively. It is concluded that environmental factors, in this sample, do not affect the effectiveness, thus the importance of internal psychological variables for determining effectiveness is highlighted.

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How to Cite

Influence of environmental factors on higher or lower professional performance. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 283-294.


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