Occupational stress models: systematisation, analysis and description

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Hugo de Almeida
Sónia Brito-Costa
Afonso Alberty
Ana Gomes
Paulo Lima
Florencio Vicente Castro


Excessive occupational stress experienced by workers has been strongly associated with the onset of diseases and mental health damage, interfering with their ability to work, productivity, ultimately interfering with their well-being and quality of life. In the present study, we followed the guidelines of systematisation and interpretation of specific models of occupational stress, dissecting them and exposing their constructive genesis and counterpart among them, contributing to the possible construction of stress induction predicting baselines. Despite some common points, the factors that lead to stress response show how some differences between them, mostly at the level of the object, are considered as a source of stress. The description of specific central aspects: physical stressors, organisational climate and working conditions, vulnerability to stress, personality factors, negative affectivity and psychological resilience, are described as operating measures that directly influence human homeostatic processes in occupational context. The understanding of these underlying mechanisms further contributes to the development of primary prevention programs at the level of occupational health and organizational intervention methodologies, in order to promote an adequate quality of working life, enhancing performance, success and increased capacity for work.

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How to Cite

Occupational stress models: systematisation, analysis and description. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 434-454. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2016.n1.v2.309


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