The professional nursing competence. A study in portuguese hospitals

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Luís Miguel Nunes de Oliveira
Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós
Florencio Vicente Castro


As in other professions, also in Nursing the concept of competence has been widely discussed, although a common understanding or definition has not yet been reached. It is understood as a key element in quality and safety. For reasons related to quality of care and patient safety added to the global shortage of skilled nursing professionals, the interest in nurses' competence has increased.
The main objective of this study is to show the relevance and importance of the professional competences of Portuguese nurses, with specific objectives: to know the level of professional competence of Portuguese nurses; to relate sociodemographic and professional variables to the dimensions of the nursing competence scale; to identify the level of professional competence of nurses in the areas of professional development and training needs.
A quantitative, descriptive-correlational study was developed, being an investigation by questionnaire, The sample is constituted by 1164 nurses.
The main results indicate that Portuguese nurses assess their competence in high levels of professional competence and that several variables influence this evaluation.

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How to Cite

The professional nursing competence. A study in portuguese hospitals. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 143-158.


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