The world at home: the success of cable tv in the era of the internet

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Carla Sofia Figueiredo


This article is based on a longitudinal study between 2005 and 2015 on the consumption of cable TV households in an urban area of northern Portugal. In the last decade, cable television has gained dimension and relevance, in parallel with the growth of Internet consumption, two icons of today's digital culture. In both cases, television and the Internet tend to be increasingly individualized and personalized practices, expressing identity, preferences and differences, rather than more collective family rituals. On the contrary, however, from the perspectives on the future of television, according to which the expansion of television consumption through the Internet itself, at home and away from home, tends to liquidate television as we know it, the point is that culture of television changes as society and the family change, so watching television sitting in front of the device still remains a hallmark of the cultural continuum between home and the world.

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How to Cite

The world at home: the success of cable tv in the era of the internet. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 159-170.


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