Values of success and enterprise

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Sergio González Ballester
Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernández


The global environment of economic and financial crisis in which we have been for years has made it difficult for young people to enter the labor market, if we add to the growth of the unemployment rate and the qualifications demanded by companies in the first job options to get a job are glimpsed, a priori, complicated. Faced with these facts, many young people, driven by despair, end up looking for a job opportunity outside our borders. Alternatives such as entrepreneurship or self-employment may be an option for youth to opt into the labor market. Given the current paradigm of the doubt that any young person can ask about the idea of undertaking or not, knowing that values that can determine the success of this enterprise could be a vehicle that facilitates the achievement of the goals set. The present work seeks to know which values have determined the success of relevant people in their profession and which of those values coincide with the characteristics of the entrepreneur.

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How to Cite

Values of success and enterprise. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 171-184.


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