Implementation of ergonomic systems: final recommendations for the parliament, the commission and the spanish state

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Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias
Florencio Vicente Castro
José Ángel Casas Barrigón
Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
José Antonio Del Barrio
Antonio Jiménez
Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera
Carmen Palmero
Josefa González Santos


This paper draws the final conclusions of the research carried out over the last two years in the framework of the ERGOnomic WORK places European project ERGO WORK, together with the complementary contributions made by the Association INFAD in relation to the implementation of ergonomic systems in the field of employment and disability. As an innovative tool of this study, highlight the set of recommendations that have already been raised to the European Commission, with the aim of contributing to the improvement goals set in this regard by the EU, in addition to those related to the Spanish State, with direct competence in the same. The philosophy of Design for All has become a key topic of interest in the current national and European context, which, as we will demonstrate, provides concrete solutions so that environments, products, services and systems can be used by as many as possible of people responding to inclusive models and attention to diversity. The research has been carried out through a Consortium of six European countries and ten partners. It has been funded by the European Commission under the Strategic Alliances (Erasmus-LLP). conclusions drawn in this work.

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How to Cite

Implementation of ergonomic systems: final recommendations for the parliament, the commission and the spanish state. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 185-194.


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