Socio-emotional competences and bullying in adolescents
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The research focused on a subtype of violence the bullying, during adolescence. It mattered to explore the analysis of this type of behaviour to promote interventioning and preventive measures. The way it occurs in schooling context and its damaging consequences for psychological and physical well-being is of outmost interest. The aim was to investigate the impact and the quality of the implementation of a socio emotinal learning program “Bullying in my school, NO!!”. For that purpose it was applicated the Victimization Scale and Aggression in School (Marques da Cunha, 2008) and the SSRS - Social Skills Rating System for its evaluation (Pedro, 2005). The longitudinal empirical study outcomes demonstrated the effectiveness of the implementation of the program in the promotion of all socio emotional skills in the study - assertiveness, empathy, cooperation and selfcontrol. It has also shown there was no significant impact on the decrease of the mentioned behaviour, only a meaningfull increase on the observation of it.
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How to Cite
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