Educational experience in spain developing positive instructional cognition

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Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban


This communication exposes the application in Spain of the CIP program, based on Positive Instructional Cognition (CIP), a proposal based on the psychological approaches of Viktor Frankl (existential orientation of the meaning of life) and Martin Seligman (Positive Psychology), and in the integral education of the person. The CIP develops the three dimensions of the vital competences of this integral formation (Knowing, Knowing and Knowing) by proposing a work scheme in five levels: Analysis of the problem, Expression and emotional recognition, Self-knowledge, Reflection and Well-being. First, we present the objectives of the CIP program: the development of life skills, increasing the tendency to gratefulness, the ability to forgive and personal strengths, thereby increasing well-being or happiness; show their development according to the evolutionary variables (academic level) of the subjects and observe the interrelationships between the variables studied. In the second part we present the implementation of the program and the results of the change in the dimensions evaluated. And we finish with the conclusions drawn from the research and the possible future perspectives of the program.

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Author Biography

Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban, Escuela de Magisterio Fray Luis de León- Valladolid

Dra. en Psicología, Departamento de Psicología y Educación

How to Cite

Educational experience in spain developing positive instructional cognition. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 397-408.


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