Study of binding and empathy in institutionalized adolescents with psychological accompanying in the piac (integrated community support plan)
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The authors studied the level of Affective and Cognitive Empathy in 26 adolescents that live in establishments that institucionalises adolescents at risk , and studied the type of attachment and the perception they have of their early relationships with parents . This study aims to better understand the adolescents to implement intervention strategies to improve the social behavior of adolescents at risk and in need of special educational measures . Three instruments adapted for the Portuguese adolescent population were utilized for this study: the Basic Empathy Scale ( Jolliffe , 2005) , The Adolescent Attachment Inventory - IPPA ( Armsden and Greenberg , 1987) and Drawing Circles of Representatives family ( S. Pipp , Shaver P. , S. Jennings , S.Lamborn and KW Fischer , 1985). The results showed us that these adolescents of the PIAC had a lower level of empathy than that in a school population studied by Susana Anastácio (2013 ) , in 344 adolescents. It was possible to compare the results with those obtained with the IPPA and with the Design of Circles Representatives of the Family in a normal population of 400 Adolescents. The Mann Whitney test showed that this population of the PIAC differs significantly from the normal population in Attachment to peers and in the subscale Alienation to peers, as well as in the perception that adolescents imagine how the early relationships with their parents was. These results are in agreement with the results obtained by Susana Anastácio (2013 ).
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How to Cite
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