The digital divide among people with a visual disability

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María Olga Escandell Bermúdez
María del Sol Fortea Sevilla
José Juan Castro Sánchez


One of the most admired achievements in the society of information is the creation of information and communication technology (ICT), constantly changing technologies essential to work and live in the current society. Those who are not able to keep up with technology or who do not have access to it suffer the so called digital divide. The digital divide is the exclusion suffered by people who cannot access technology and who are left behind in relation to those who have access to it. We have been drawn to working with this current social and technological phenomenon, at a time in which technology takes up a great deal of our lives. We are interested in finding out what happens to those who are left out of such phenomena, especially those who are more vulnerable and prone to be left behind. This can help us contribute by easing or eradicating said differences. Our studies are based on the so called “digital divide” among people with a visual disability, taking into account three different types discussed by the Telecommunications International Union (TIU) in meetings from 2004: access restrictions, based on the differences among people who have or lack access to ICT; usage, based on people who know how to use it and people who don’t; and quality of use, based on differences among users. We initially approach people with a visual disability, professionals and family members through a discussion group, asking them directly about accessibility, usage, knowledge… of ICT. We then use an ad hoc questionnaire having analysed the content of the contributions taken from the discussion group.

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Author Biographies

María Olga Escandell Bermúdez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Doctora y profesora Titular de Universidad.

María del Sol Fortea Sevilla, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Doctora y Profesora Asociada Laboral

José Juan Castro Sánchez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Doctor y profesor Titular de Universidad.

How to Cite

The digital divide among people with a visual disability. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 489-498.


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