Homophobic bullying. The role of the teacher

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Fuensanta Cerezo Ramirez


Violence among school children is a problem that affects 20% of the students in our classrooms. Bullying is a group phenomenon where violence among school children turns out to be an emergent of bad relationships. This phenomenon of mistreatment is favored by homophobia, finding that a large proportion of students with a homosexual orientation frequently suffer harassment from their classmates (association report FEGLBT, 2012).
The intolerant beliefs towards groups that feel different are especially significant among those who have been excluded. This work proposes a theoretical-practical review on the problems of school violence related to homophobia through the analysis of various reports and investigations. Concluding that there is evidence of a relationship between bullying and homophobia. Being that the majority of the harassments come from the peers but also from the teachers themselves. It is significant that more than half of the attacks begin between 12 and 15 years. Therefore it is necessary a specific intervention aimed at teacher training that facilitates a plural and democratic coexistence.

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Author Biography

Fuensanta Cerezo Ramirez, Universidad de Murcia

Profesroa Titular de Psicología de la Educación

How to Cite

Homophobic bullying. The role of the teacher. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 417-424. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2015.n1.v1.45


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