Grandmothers and grandparents of the 21st century, with children of the 21st century. What can we do?

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Isabel Labuiga Tomás


Getting to grandparents is one of the vital experiences that will make us live a new stage in our lives. But it is also a situation that some people are not prepared and therefore do not take it with the same philosophy.

Some people think to have grandchildren makes them "old" while others / think is a reborn, recover enthusiasm and energy.

This essentially practical workshop brings to the undecided and also a little afraid or uncomfortable because it forces them to change the order of their lives, strategies to deal with their new stage with positivity.

It first offered a theoretical information about the evolution of children and based on how they learn and guidelines to act.

Giving importance to aspects of transmission of values, the complicity with the grandchildren and awareness about belonging to the "tribe" as an educational entity. Belonging to this tribe gives them the possibility of participating fully in society.

This 'active ageing' means understand this stage of life as one cycle of personal growth, adding "life years and not years to life".

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Author Biography

Isabel Labuiga Tomás, Universidad Jaume I (Castellón)

Estudiante de doctorado

How to Cite

Grandmothers and grandparents of the 21st century, with children of the 21st century. What can we do?. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 93-102.


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