Resilience, well-being and lifelong learning

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María Teresa Crespo Sierra


If we focus on the perspective of learning throughout life and active aging it should be noted that, conceptually, this paradigm is related to a welfare approach eudaimonic with positive psychology and salutogenesis; all from a life-span approach.

Starting from an initial and final assessment of aspects such as resilience, sense of self-efficacy, positive and negative emotions and life satisfaction, we work with the different contents of the program from an active and participative methodology over 12 weekly sessions. Proactivity and appreciative thought constitute the thread in the methodology and the outcome of the program results in a number of tools which support the new approach. As a significant number of participants in the program point out, in our culture and in today’s society, the need to learn is spreading to almost every corner of our social activity as a learning process that never stops, where, in addition, we can keep learning to unlearn against certainties and uncertainties where the contributions of the life-span approach, the positive psychology, the social learning and salutogenesis are the backbone on which it is based and builds the intervention program.

To end this paper presents the objectives, content and overall structure of training and learning program, aimed at adults who are part of a program at the Permanent University Millán Santos of Valladolid. This program stresses indeed, the promotion of learning and active aging through various tools founded on Life Cycle, Social Learning and Positive Psychology contributions.

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Author Biography

María Teresa Crespo Sierra, Universidad de Valladolid. Departamento de Psicología Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social

Profesora Titular de Universidad(PTUN). Area de conocimiento Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Departamento de Psicología. Universidad de Valladolid

How to Cite

Resilience, well-being and lifelong learning. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 161-170.


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