Motivational characteristics of preschools with low mathematical performance

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Jessica Mercader Ruiz
Rebeca Siegenthaler Hierro
Ana Miranda Casas
M. Inmaculada Fernández Andrés
M. Jesús Presentación Herrero


The present work aims to deepen the motivation towards learning and the attributional style of preschoolers with low mathematical performance in relation to two reference groups: average performance and risk of Specific Learning Disorder with Mathematical Difficulty (TEAP-DM). Participants in the study included 209 preschoolers categorized according to their level of arithmetic performance through a standardized test. The constructs of competence-motivation, attention-persistence and attitude towards learning were evaluated, related to the motivation towards learning, and of internality, stability and globality of the attributional style. The results showed statistically significant differences in the motivation variables between the low performance group and the control group. In the case of competence-motivation and attention-persistence, differences were also found between the low-risk group and the TEAP-DM risk group. In addition, the analyzes revealed a tendency to attribute negative events to more stable causes in the low-performing group. The implications of these findings for research and psychoeducational practice are discussed.

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Author Biographies

Jessica Mercader Ruiz, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva, Educativa, Social y Metodología.

Universitat Jaume I

Personal Investigador en Formación (FPI-UJI 2I005-PREDOC/2013/34)

Rebeca Siegenthaler Hierro, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva, Educativa, Social y Metodología.

Universitat Jaume I

Profesora Ayudante Doctor

Ana Miranda Casas, Universidad de Valencia

Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Universidad de Valencia

Catedrática de Universidad

M. Inmaculada Fernández Andrés, Universidad de Valencia

Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Universidad de Valencia

Profesora Ayudante Doctor

M. Jesús Presentación Herrero, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva, Educativa, Social y Metodología.

Universitat Jaume I

Profesora Titular de Universidad

How to Cite

Motivational characteristics of preschools with low mathematical performance. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 79-88.


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