Influence of physical activity on the psychological well-being of the elderly.

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Alicia Santana Rodríguez


According to the theory of continuity, older adults remains throughout life in a continuous process of development by maintaining the same activities, behaviors and relationships as they did in their first years of life. And understand that the desire to maintain normal activities generates preventive behaviors aimed at better enjoyment of old age and even allows adaptation to negative external situations. As Fernández-Ballesteros (2000) states, the older person must remain an active individual in an active environment and not a passive individual in a demanding environment and driver.

Physical activity allows the greatest stay active and increase their well-being, both physical and psychological. Following the theory of Self-Determination, one of the indicators set as psychological well-being is the satisfaction with life. In this line, we wanted to check this indicator in a group of 37 older who were part of a program of physical activity, for which they spent Satisfaction Scale with Life (Diener et al. (1985).

The results showed high satisfaction, responding positively most users, proving that as age increases people’s life satisfaction is improved. These results support the involvement of psychological factors as mediators in the relationship between physical activity and mental health.

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Author Biography

Alicia Santana Rodríguez, Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Profesora Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Educación física

How to Cite

Influence of physical activity on the psychological well-being of the elderly. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 301-306.


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