Treatment of frailty and apathy through psychomotor activities in Alzheimer's disease

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Claudia Guillen-Betancort
Guillermo Da Silva-Domingo
Josefa González Santos
Raquel de la Fuente-Anuncibay
Álvaro Da Silva González
Jerónimo Gonzalez Bernal


Objective: To implement an Occupational Therapy treatment in elderly people with dementia and frailty
Method: A longitudinal study of a sample of 23 users, 14 women and 9 men aged between 71 and 92 is performed, the average age 84.66 years, users of a residence, presenting frailty and dementia. Carried out an initial assessment and final tests with Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and Dementia Apathy Interview and Rating (DAIR), participants attend occupational therapy sessions.
Statistical analysis: it was performed nonparametric Wilcoxon, Spearman correlation and Mann Whitney U test.
Results: We observed that the levels of fragility do not improve, there is no relationship of age with frailty, the level of apathy does not decrease with the intervention, there is no difference in the score of apathy or fragility by sex.
Conclusions: the results indicate a maintenance of vital functions on both scales, which can be considered beneficial when dealing with degenerative processes.

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Treatment of frailty and apathy through psychomotor activities in Alzheimer’s disease. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 103-112.


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