Interaction of the elderly in the field of local security

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Carmen Delia Martín Mederos
Rosa María Rodríguez Arteaga


Throughout the latest years it has been seen how Police Organizations are undergoing a continued transformation in the structure and internal organization with the forecast marked by the achieving objectives that have been marked by the politics direction. Today society is marked by the globalization effect which requires more adaptable and malleable Police Organizations where the internal changes happen with rapidity and closeness demanded. This social transformation process has acquired a prominent importance in Police-Citizen social interaction to reach proactivity’s efficacy in police conduct. The citizen is the main security’s focus and Local Polices are the main resource to guarantee local security. In local sphere stands out the increasing importance of Local Police department in Comunity’s social relationships in order to reduce the insecurity’s citizen perception, the biggest challenge society is facing in welfare state.

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How to Cite

Interaction of the elderly in the field of local security. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 171-178.


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