Benefits of a municipal physical exercise program for the welfare of the elderly

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Raquel Estévez Rivero


The Senior Physical Activity program is aimed to the population of Aguimes as well as other municipies on the island of Gran Canaria. It consists in alternating sports activities in the classroom with specific activities outside the classroom (activities in the natural environment, water sports, thalassotherapy, sports intergenerational meeting with students from Secondary Schools, etc.). Its main objective is “to improve health and prevent disease of the elderly population of Aguimes, through physical exercise”. Through the improvement of cardiorespiratory aspects, joint mobility and the strengthening of the muscles involved in daily activities. Focusing on activities that enhance self-confidence and self-esteem to prevent cognitive impairment and the presence of depressive states and secure the independence of the elderly. Promoting a better socialization among classmates, improvement in relations with other age groups and making good use of the leisure time in order to avoid isolation, loneliness and physical inactivity.

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How to Cite

Benefits of a municipal physical exercise program for the welfare of the elderly. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 329-336.


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