Hostile behaviors in adolescents: educational intervention teachers

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Carla Maria Viegas Melo Cruz
Claúdia Chaves
João Duarte
Odete Amaral
Paula Nelas
Mariline Almeida


The hostile behaviors in adolescents are a growing reality in the world being necessary to investigate their causes and think about interventions in the various contexts of life
Objective: Outline appropriate intervention strategies to adolescents, in close liaison with teachers for prevention and promotion of healthy behaviors.
Methods: Qualitative study of phenomenological nature inscribed in naturalistic paradigm involving a sample of 35 class directors of the secondary schools in the city of Viseu. The data collection is made through a questionnaire, consisting of open response questions: characterization; teachers’ opinions about the formal educational interventions, practiced and recommended; role of the nurse in the school.
Results: class directors consider that the pedagogical strategies enacted by the Ministry of Education, are not effective in the facing of hostile behaviors in adolescents, stating that the pedagogical strategy they most utilize is the dialogue; Pedagogical strategies recommended are in school interventions, followed by interventions directed to parents and “creating Health Office” being the nurse one of the trainers sensitizing the entire educational community about this issue.
Conclusions: Support for the development of protective factors is of paramount importance in the prevention of hostile behaviors reducing its prevalence. We suggest the implementation of intervention programs based on promotion of non-violent environments and behaviors involving theentire educational community.

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Author Biography

Carla Maria Viegas Melo Cruz, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Doutorada em Educação

Mestre em Psicologia

Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiàtrica

Professora Investigadora - Departamento de Saúde Mental Psiquiatria

How to Cite

Hostile behaviors in adolescents: educational intervention teachers. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 403-412.


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