Sport and physical activity as a means for reducing levels of cognitive decline in the elderly

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Juan Miguel Fernández Campoy


Thanks to scientific knowledge, developed societies begin to assume that the population is growing significantly, which makes copper paramount importance in order to guarantee high levels of quality of life, articulation and implementation of a wide range of activities and programs that enable them to reduce their levels of cognitive impairment. It is in this context that the programs and activities of sport and physical activity are presented as outstanding instruments to ensure that older acquire and adopt efficient sports routines and healthy habits that will enable them to reduce their levels of cognitive decline and improve the quality of lifetime. From this situation, with this empirical study, we try to ascertain whether there is empirical evidence to affirm categorically that the combination of exercise and healthy lifestyle helps reduce levels of cognitive impairment in old age and therefore, to increase their quality of life. For this we used a descriptive methodology characterized by the use of qualitative instruments, such as the analysis of the main scientific studies on the subject, preceded the present. Although the data collected are not entirely decisive, it does shows that those elderly who manage to maintain significant levels of physical activity and sport and, moreover, are able to adopt healthy lifestyles will be able to maintain adequate health balance and, Consequently, a higher quality of life. interesting results are presented for future studies and research in this area continue to deepen. the desirability of the biggest sporting routines and adopt healthy lifestyles as a great strategy to ensure adequate health balance that enables them to increase their levels of perceived quality of life.

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Sport and physical activity as a means for reducing levels of cognitive decline in the elderly. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 465-474.


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