School harassment: relationship with sense of solitude and positive perfectionism in adolescents

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In this research, we hypothesize that physical and psychological abuse is only one component of bullying, that other components are the rejection of equals and loneliness by significant separation. As a second hypothesis, we suggest that bullying is directed mainly toward adolescents who stand out for having a higher level of positive perfectionism. Other objectives were to know the incidence of harassment in the sample studied and to find out if there are differences due to gender in the variables studied. 167 schoolchildren from 12 to 16 years old participated (males = 46%). Self-report questionnaires were applied. The results confirm the hypothesis that adolescents with a greater feeling of loneliness and rejected by their peers are the most prone to suffer the mistreatment of stalkers. The second hypothesis is partially confirmed: bullied children are no more perfectionists than those who are not harassed, although this relationship does occur in harassed girls who do have a greater perfectionism in "sensitivity to errors". There are no gender differences in the frequency of harassment. And it is confirmed that in this population more than 5% of adolescents perceive harassment in a relatively serious degree.

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Author Biography


Profesora Titular de Universidad. Departamento de Psicología, Socilogía y Filosofía.

How to Cite

School harassment: relationship with sense of solitude and positive perfectionism in adolescents. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 199-210.


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