Strategies for conflict resolution in couples: everyday negotiating

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Nieves Correa Rodríguez
Juan A. Rodríguez Hernández


Conflicts are normal situations in family life wich offer opportunities for personal growth and strengthening family relationships when constructive strategies are provided like negotiation, commitments and agreements. The frequent use of destructive strategies in everyday conflicts is associated with a growing unease in the family and a discontinuity in the family project. Couples show difficulties to implement courses of action culminating in agreements and commitments. This is a logical issue considering that the conflicts and the resolution strategies are complex situations. This work provides an analysis of daily conflict in couples contemplating conflict variables that mediate the use of resolution strategies and transactional processes that characterize these episodes. Finally, some guidelines are suggested to direct research and intervention in the field of conflict and family life.

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Strategies for conflict resolution in couples: everyday negotiating. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 89-96.


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