A model of analysis of gender culture in organizations
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This paper shows part of the results of a research whose general objective is to develop a Model Diagnostic of the Gender Culture in the organizations. It is an alternative evaluation scheme which promotes central administration of our State, called Situation Diagnosis is recommended to take place prior to the implementation of equality plans between women and men. Furthermore, feeds itself more successful experiences of cultural assessment of gender inequalities in organizations that have been developed especially in the local level in Europe and in our country. The importance of our empirical study is that it adopts an inclusive perspective and advocates for participatory action and the dialogic approach as key assessment pieces. Also intended as a reference model, given the diversity of coexisting models on the analysis of the (in)equalities of gender that is applied to other organizations. In this paper we put our proposal in the context of education and the importance of assessing gender culture that breeds in their institutions from a qualitative approach.
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