Components and relationships of a structural model of psychosocial adjustment in adolescence

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José Mª Madariaga
Ana Arribiliaga
Luis Mª Zulaika


This symposium focuses on the latest research of the consolidated team “Psikor“ of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU ), that analyze psychosocial adjustment in adolescence. The objective is to test explanatory structural models that consider comprehensively, the relevant psychological variables and contextual factors that influence adolescents’ adjustment. We intend to study this psychosocial adjustment from two different views related to the corresponding structural models of personal adjustment and structural model of school adjustment. Both models have a similar conceptual diagram but suggest that there are different influences (contextual and psychological) in the indicators of both settings. According to this approach the first communication of this symposium synthetically presents an overview of the different components and relationships of the structural model of psychosocial adolescents’ adjustment developed by the group Psikor. This model serves as a framework for the following communications, all of them included in the research activity of this group. Of the two models that are intended to test in the future, the structural model of personal adjustment includes, as contextual explanatory factors the structural model of school adjustment and the social support. Therefore, the second and third communications of this symposium show the progress of the research group both in the family context (which is one aspect of social support) and in the school adjustment, respectively. In relation to the intervention of the possible psychological variables of the model of personal adjustment, the two communications that close the symposium delve into the role that self-concept, resilience and emotional intelligence play in that adjustment.

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How to Cite

Components and relationships of a structural model of psychosocial adjustment in adolescence. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 303-310.


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