The influence of verbal competences on school success

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Carlos Robles Bonifacio
Esperana Vázquez González


This communication is part of a wider project that is made up of two research papers and the implementation of a preventive program of verbal communication skills. The first part of the project underlying this communication is based in the investigation of the influence of verbal skills in the academic failure of students in first grade of secondary school (E.S.O). The most important reasons for which I chose this age group of the students are the high academic failure in these ages, and the continued and compelling interest of the school community in reaching higher verbal skills in this transitional stage. In this research, performed on 300 students of First grade of secondary school (ESO), is intended to deepen and reflect on the link between language skills (focused on text comprehension) and the acquisition of new knowledge, since to provide new knowledge is critical in order to achieve a more active learning and better academic results. Throughout this research we will study different aspects such as the study of the relationship, already established in the literature, between mental abilities (IGF tests) and academic performance in each of the subjects. I will also evaluate the influence that the verbal factor and its meaningful utilization on academic performance, as well as the differences between gender in regards to verbal skills and academic failure. The research will also establish the possible relationship between verbal analogies, completing sentences and academic performance. All this with the purpose of demonstrating and remembering the importance of verbal skills, in order -after this research study- to keep investigating and providing solutions to improve these skills in students in their personal life and as a result, in their academic, family and social spheres.

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How to Cite

The influence of verbal competences on school success. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 351-362.


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