When the will is not always a way: conceptions about the identity of the child and educative isomorphism (exploratory study)

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Esperança Jales Ribeiro
Sara Alexandre Felizardo
Catarina Martins
Sofia Campos


The conceptions of “who is the child, how develops and learns” are the result of different contributions, including psychology, sociology and pedagogy. In turn, explicit theories and praxis are sustained by paradigms of human subjectivity that coexist in time. It is understood that the implementation of an educative model does not guarantee, by itself, the knowledge of the underpinning fundaments. It is essential to understand the concept of child underlying this praxis and be able to assess where it takes us.only then the educator will be able to solve new problems that are presented in practice. As advocated by social constructionism it is necessary to know that all forms of world comprehension are social and cultural situated, being useful a critical position relation to that we think is given as guaranteed (Gergen, 1995). The study is qualitative and exploratory and involved the collaboration of sixteen educators. The technique used was semi-directive interview. It was found that both groups define identity as a hidden “entity”, on a split between the personal and the social world, providing an abstract and isolated overview of the child. This corresponds to a classical paradigm of human subjectivity designated as representationist (Ribeiro, 2004) that is evidenced in the definition given by the two groups of educators. Regarding educational strategies the results are different in both groups. The first educators were consistent with the initial theorizing, speaking at child-centered pedagogy and discovery. The educators MSM show a different perspective, stating dialogic and collaborative strategies in an attitude of educative isomorphism that meet guidelines model. The study concludes the need and importance of professional training processes in the direction of critical deconstruction of pedagogical models (the epistemological point of view), in order to avoid educational isomorphism not understood in its essential reasons.

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How to Cite

When the will is not always a way: conceptions about the identity of the child and educative isomorphism (exploratory study). (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 393-402. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v6.759


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