Stimulation of emotional intelligence as prevention of the "bullying" phenomenon in victims

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Noelia Carbonell Bernal
Sheila Sánchez Esteban
Fuensanta Cerezo Ramírez


Bullying phenomenon (Olweus, 1993) is a situation that today can be found in our schools very often, giving rise to a social problem that involves the entire educational community, so it is essential to develop programs and interventions, in order to provide coping strategies, especially having victims as the center of intervention, given that they suffer the worst consequences at a physical and psychological level, and are a key element in dealing with this problem; In the last report of the Ombudsman on this subject, in view of the data that this offers us, we can see how the percentages of students involved in this phenomenon, increase with the passage of time, producing an equality in sex , both aggressors and victims (Ombudsman Report, 2007). In this way, in this project we intend to use the benefits of technology, in order to reach the adolescents and preadolescents of this intervention, through a form of communication that for them is a reality in which they have developed, positions that are considered a Net Generation (Yoon Bong Seo, 2007).

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How to Cite

Stimulation of emotional intelligence as prevention of the "bullying" phenomenon in victims. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 427-430.