Concept of bullying and intervention in primary school

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Consuelo Sánchez Lacasa
Fuensanta Cerezo Ramírez


At the beginning, we approached to the bullying concept within a theoretical focus. It was clear that it is a huge theoretical frame. .So, it was necessary to differentiate this topic from other similar terms as school violence or aggressiveness. Among the specific features of bullying phenomenon we underlined the importance of classroom social characteristics as an important factor in the beginning and development of these dynamics. Several studies associate social characteristics in the classroom to the development of roles and claim that victims become isolated and rejected by peers. On the contrary, the bullies see their situation reinforced as an aggressor. During the training, we taught the students activities of intervention and prevention in Primary school because it is a first level of action in the CIP program (Cerezo, Calvo and Sánchez, 2010). A first study with students of third year of primary school shows the improvement of group cohesion as well as the progress in communication skills, expression of feelings and conflict resolution. Finally, the improvement in the network of relationships and greater awareness of the phenomenon helped to identify situations of victimization and to denounce these problems.

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How to Cite

Concept of bullying and intervention in primary school. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 443-452.


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