Art education and gender as a tool of integration and inclusion for people with early dementia and alzheimer's disease.

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Lorena López Méndez


In the present article we present an experience of artistic education, gender and sexual diversity with participants with early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, whose title is called Flores sin nombre. This project is designed with the intention of opening a new window to the knowledge of this profile of participants, whose education has been predominantly patriarchal, where the female figure and its representation as an artist has been virtually invisible and unknown. We will support on works created by women artists, allowing us to analyze how they formalize different artistic projects revolving around their position as women within the art world, in addition to address cross curricular subject and to establish links and be able to use different flowers as a metaphor associated with women. This project focused on similes and analogous game, women artist equivalent to a flower, was designed and implemented in the Afal Contigo Association of Madrid.

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Author Biography

Lorena López Méndez, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR)

Doctora en Bellas Artes. Profesor colaborador en el Grado de Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Ha sido Personal Investigador en el  Departamento Psicología Social y Antropología. Universidad de Salamanca.

How to Cite

Art education and gender as a tool of integration and inclusion for people with early dementia and alzheimer’s disease. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 121-128.


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