Predictive variables of interpersonal style in professional mediators
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The objective of this study is to know how personality factors and the cognitive-emotional variables predict different interpersonal styles in people who have studied specific mediation. For this purpose have been used as instruments the Inventory of Personality NEO PI-R(Costa y McCrae, 1978, Spanish adaptation, 1999), Molds test, Cognitive-Emotionals Strategies (Hernández-Guanir, 2010) and Interpersonal Styles Questionnaire (De Diego and Guillén, 2006). The study sample has been 32 mediators newly completed their university education at the Master in Family Mediation and Sociocommunity, of the ULPGC (University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria) and ULL (University of La Laguna ). Multiple linear regressions analyses of data indicate , among others, that: Conciliatory style characterised by engage, involve and build bridges between the parties, comes anticipated by the mental mould of precision and supervision at the same time that the social attribution of success. Added way, Positivante Optimization, which is the tendency to evaluate positively or rentabilizadora transform failures into successes and benefits efforts predicts interpersonal style of Catchment , represented by actions such as inspire, motivate, and find a common ground between the parties. A personality in Opening is contrary to an interactive style of Firmness characterized by putting standards, demand or make judgments of others. These results show us that in the training of the professional mediator variables analysed, should be considered since the effectiveness of his actions, as a professional who facilitates people in conflict to find solutions to the same, in a neutral and impartial way depends on some personal characteristics and the usual ways in which a person interprets and faces the reality because - as it has been reflected - personality factors and the cognitive-emotional variables, along with interactive style, are decisive and interdependent elements.
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