Adoptive parentality and problems of child conduct
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Traditionally, research in the context of the adoption has tried to answer two main research questions. The first question is whether adopted children have more problems than non-adopted children and the second is whether adopted children get recover from adversity experienced before being adopted. In the literature on adoption there are evidences that have been responding to these questions. Recent research on adoption, in addition to the above issues, address the issue referred to the processes and factors operating in the psychological adjustment of children adopted. With the intention of responding to these ultimate questions this research is designed, which focuses on the analysis of the psychological characteristics of parents and the processes of relationship between parents and children. Specifically parents are analysed in attachment related aspects, sensitivity, reflective functioning and parental stress. These issues are discussed in the context of the family adoption and its relationship with behavioural problems in children. The sample amounted to a total of 98 Spanish families, 40 adoptive families and 58 non adoptive families. The multiple linear regression revealed that when parents had a personal history of low maternal and paternal overprotection and high affection by the figure of the mother in childhood and adolescence, a positive parental reflective function under parental stress and high quality in the interaction between mothers and children, the behavioural adjustment difficulties decreased. Deepening on the dynamics and functioning that occurs inside adoptive families will improve designs for future lines of action in this context.
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