Family and school adolescent communicative context, and sexual behaviour.
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Adolescence is considered as a particularly sensitive period in the evolutionary process of the human being. It is during this period that certain risk behaviors will be acquired by the adolescent. The main objective is to analyze the communicative, family and school context in relation to the adolescent sexual behavior (debut, use of contraceptive measures and knowledge of sexual diseases). A questionnaire, that addressed demographic, family and educational factors, as well as various issues related to their sexual behavior, was given to students of E.S.O. (Obligatory Secondary Education) of all Andalusia. The results show that, in the majority of cases, adolescents have received sex education, which is very positively valued but which is not decisive for the use of contraceptive methods, although it facilitates the knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases. Those who have received sex education are initiated earlier in risky sexual practices. The condom is the most used method being the reason of use to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Those who start early in sexual relations have parents with lower level of education, manifest a worse relationship with them both in terms of communication, control and discipline and have worse academic results. The results show the importance of family and educational factors when starting adolescents in their sexual life in an early manner.
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