Beliefs of romantic love and gender violence

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Carmen Caro García
María Carmen Monreal Gimeno


Although we have an active public policy to achieve equality between the sexes, inequality persists and when we talk about ‘love’ imbalances and differences increase. Investigations today, explore elements of socialization connected to violence against women in the couple, and ‘love’ seems to be on the scene. A qualitative study, with the technique of groups of discussion, is proposed, whose objectives are: to know the ‘styles of love’ that the boys and the girls assume and to investigate the acceptance that they make of the beliefs about the ‘true love’, as well How to analyze the influence of gender training. A Gender Training that promotes and facilitates the process of developing ‘gender awareness’. The results show that the university students reflect the same beliefs as the rest of the youngsters, and it is observed that after the formation in gender appear greater changes in the beliefs and attitudes of the girls than of the boys. It is important to evaluate the formative actions in gender, since their results can open new paths of action in the teaching-learning processes, as well as helping the sectors involved in this complex social and health problem.

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How to Cite

Beliefs of romantic love and gender violence. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 47-56.


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