School and dating violence in adolescence. The role of loneliness
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The aim of this study was to carry out a first approach to the analysis of the role of loneliness in school and dating violence in adolescence. It is considered that both violence, together with loneliness, are reasons of concern and interest for both researchers and professionals, as well as being scarce the work that exists on both violence. From the theoretical point of view, the ecological model of human development is assumed as a guide and orientation. The study participants were 1671 subjects, 49.73% boys and 50.27% adolescent girls, aged 14 to 18 years of age (M = 15.63, SD = 1.31). The results of the correlation analysis indicate that there is an association between school and dating violence. In addition, significant differences were found between boys and girls in terms of loneliness, since while in boys it is a factor that correlates with both variables, in girls there are hardly any significant correlations with the dimensions of school or dating violence.
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