Are there differences in the emotions experienced by students of secondary education according to the course?
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The present research arises for the need to know and detect the emotions that Compulsory Secondary Education students experienced towards the learning of Physics and Chemistry, because there is a decrease in the number of students at the different itineraries related to the science. This research analyzed and compared the evolution of emotions experienced by the ESO students to learning Physics and Chemistry according to the grade, and if there is a relationship between the emotions and the academic performance. The sample consisted of 431 students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) from different schools in Badajoz during the 2014/2015 academic year. A descriptive methodology by survey was used for performing this research. The participants completed a questionnaire anonymously about emotions experienced during the learning in the field of Physics and Chemistry and the frequency, as well as the marks they get. The results showed that the students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) experienced a decrease in the average frequency of positive emotions from 2nd to 4th ESO level. On the other hand, negative emotions increased from 2nd to 4th ESO level. In addition, an increases in average frequency of positive emotions as the academic performance increases.
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