The relationship between emotional intelligence and personality in secondary education students
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The research focuses on the relationships between personality, from the Big Five model (Caprara, Barbaranelli and Borgogni, 1993), and Self-perceived Emotional Intelligence (IEA) in secondary education (ESO) students. The sample consisted of a total of 670 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16 (M = 13.86; DT = 1232). The IEA agglutinates the models designated mixed: the Socio-emotional Competence (BarOn and Parker, 2000) valued by the EQ-i: YV; And Emotional Self-Efficacy (Petrides, Sangareau, Furnham and Frederickson, 2006) as measured by TEIQue-ASF. Personality traits were assessed using BFQ-NA (Spanish adaptation of Del Barrio, Carrasco and Holgado, 2006). Our results evidence the close relationship between Emotional Self-efficacy and personality traits of the Big Five model, in line with the construct theory that indicates that this type of emotional intelligence is composed of an array of emotional traits and abilities, Lower personality structure. Likewise, significant relationships between the Socio-Emotional Competence model and the features of the Big Five model are found.
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How to Cite
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