School violence in adolescence: differences by gender, age and type of center
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Violence in schools is one of the most worrisome reasons in educational communities and also in the rest of society. The objective of the study was to analyze whether gender, age and type of center have a significant impact on the type of school violence practiced by compulsory secondary school students. There were 1270 students (51.2% male and 48.8% female) aged 12 to 16 years (mean age: 13.79 ± 1.28). The revised school violence questionnaire (CUVE-R) was administered. The results showed that boys scored higher on student violence, teacher violence, and violence through ICT, while girls do so in disruption in the classroom. Also, an older age increases the exercise of violent behaviors, except in the disruption in the classroom that presents higher values at thirteen years. Finally, it is the publicly owned centers that have the highest probabilities of school violence. In general, the results have allowed confirm that gender, age and type of center can be variable to take into account for the regulation of coexistence in compulsory secondary education centers, on which the prevention and intervention actions to be developed should be centered.
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