Parent educational practices and adjustment problems in university students

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Mª de la Villa Carpio Fernández
María Cruz García Linares
Pedro Félix Casanova Arias
María Teresa Cerezo Rusillo


This study aims to analyze the relationships between affection / rejection and the types of discipline that show both the father and the mother and the internalizing and externalizing problems reported by university students. The Escala de Afecto «EA» and the Escala de Normas y Exigencias «ENE» (Fuentes, Motrico and Bersabé, 1999; Bersabé, Fuentes and Motrico, 2001) were applied in their version for children (EAInternational H and ENE-H). We also use the Youth Self-Report (Achenbach, 1991) by the proposal of Ivanova et al. (2007), who group the items into eight síndromes. Five of these eight categories are grouped into two dimensions: internalizing problems (anxious / depressed, introverted / depressed and somatic complaints) and externalizing problems (delinquent behavior and aggressive behavior). The results indicate that both affection and the inductive discipline of parents are positive practices that correlate negatively with some of the problems analyzed. On the contrary, negative practices, such as rejection and rigid discipline of both father and mother, are positively related to most of the problems analyzed.

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Parent educational practices and adjustment problems in university students. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 187-196.


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