Sexting practiced by adolescents: its morphology on Facebook
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The present paper presents the results of an exploratory and descriptive analysis, through an observational method of several episodes of sexting based on the verbal theory of Skinner. In order to carry it out, an ad hoc categorization system was developed for the commands presented in the verbal behavior of sexting on Facebook, being able to observe, codify and analyze the phenomenon, which has taken shape in the last five years, the adolescents. Based on Skinner's theory the different options of controls that the participants use via inbox and the similarity among some of them were considered. By means of 9 conversations reviewed by two observers a substantial and reliable level was obtained in the tool, according to Cohen's Kappa index (k = .86). The objective of the study was to describe, from these categories, the verbal behavior in episodes of sexting, considering the commands emitted, the frequency of emission, their probabilities of transition and the patterns deployed by the participants.
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How to Cite
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