Nursing research on clinical manifestations and prevention of suicide behavior in adolescence
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Suicide is the second leading cause of death, according to the who, at the age of adolescence. Although not very common in children’s ages, ages within the adolescent estimation, there is usually an increase in suicide since this age is an era in which there are great internal conflicts and where to develop the instinct of resilience, responsibility and face more optimally your academic development. It's a time in which puts their identity sexual, establishes relationships social, need of be more independent. Finally, as we discussed earlier, it is a period of many changes, which is moving from childhood to adulthood. Also include risk factors that precipitate the teenager to the ideation/planning suicide, such as mental disorders, sudden changes in his life such as the separation of the parents, economic changes, etc. prevention is a good tool to prevent a fatal outcome of the person having ideation suicidal. For this, it is recommended to watch the State deprimible that the young person has, perform active listening, go to professional help, use of empathy and feelings accompanying, helps the social introduction and realization of sport, among others.
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