Behaviors and attitudes of higher education students in relation to sexuality

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Ana María Baptista Oliveira Dias Malva Vaz


Sexuality and the way it should be addressed still has no solutions and the young people continue to have the attitudes/ behaviours they deem appropriate and the results that follow aren’t always the best. The objective is to study the sexuality in young students who attend the first year of higher education (area of health), considering that most of them are for the first time out of their family, with typical experiences of students entering higher education, and also because it is at this stage of life that sexual maturation begins, very close to adulthood. The study is of a quantitative nature, putting in evidence the attitudes and sexual behaviours of young people who have already begun their sexual activity (64.6%). The scale used has four dimensions that are subdivided into: Behavioural Intent: Practice “safe sex”, which is understood as the use of condom. Reactions: positive and negative feelings of the subject towards the use of condom and beliefs about the positive or negative consequences associated with this behaviour. Subjective norm: subjective judgment about the degree of approval-disapproval of certain significant persons to the subject (parents, friends, partner) about the use of condom. Control perception: expectations of self-efficacy, subjective judgment about the degree of conviction in the difficulty or ease of using (or making use) the condom at the next sexual encounter. We have concluded that there is a large percentage who use the condom (36%), followed by a double protection, condom and contraceptional pill (26.1%). Most of those who already had sex, (65%) had sex again with the same partner. Health professionals should understand the complexity of the problem of sexuality and be aware of the reality of the lifestyles adopted by young people, so that they can define strategies for health promotion and intervene in the causes. Keywords: sexuality; young people; behaviours; attitudes; contraceptionpanish and English were: “baile”, “lesión”, “prevención”, “prevalencia”, “flamenco”, “danza”, “dance”, “injury”, “prevention”, “prevalence”, “common”, “frequent”, “lession”, “flamenco” and “ballet”. The majority of injuries occur in the lower extremities and are often related to muscular overload or weakness, rather than traumatisms. These injuries are commonly produced by a lack of technique or a wrong application of it, or even sometimes by the bad fitting-out of the room where the activity is being practised.

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How to Cite

Behaviors and attitudes of higher education students in relation to sexuality. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 249-256.


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