Learning based on projects in the university field: an experience of methodological innovation in education
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The present work presents an experience of methodological innovation in the area of education, concretely in the degrees of Pedagogy, Social Education and Preschool Education. The methodology carried out is the Project-based Learning, which aim is that the student relates the conceptual contents seen in class to the reality of the world and especially with his professional future, being the student the protagonist of his learning and the teacher the guide of the same one, fundamental idea of the philosophy of the European Space of Higher Education. The methodology carried out centres on the workgroups that form the students, of five or six persons. Groups that will be employed at the project along the whole subject. In the first moment, they will decide the topic in which they are going to centre on the project, designing from this moment, a project of real intervention. The teacher does a follow-up to them by means of tutorships, and a continuous assessment of their work. To evaluate the achievements obtained in the learning of the students, two instruments were in use, one destined to verifying the evolution of the will of work of the students thinking they themselves about his performance in the group and about that of his mates, and other one centred in valuing the level of satisfaction of the student body with this methodology. The results are highly positive, correlating with different previous investigations in which similar works have been realized, verifying that it increases the performance, the motivation, and the capacity of work in group of the students.
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