Emotional partner variables and professional interests for academic orientation
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Professional interest can be understood as the inclination of the individual towards certain activities related to a profession. Fogliatto, Pérez, Olaz and Parodi (2003) define the professional interest as the patterns of tastes, indifference and aversions with respect to activities related to careers and occupations, being their valuation important because it allows to predict the total satisfaction that a person will experience in the performance Of an office. Professional interest is relevant to the professional orientation process because it acts as a reinforcer in the individual’s vocational behavior (Lobato, 2002). It is clear that academic decision-making is influenced by variables such as the professional interests of the individual and their way of thinking when facing reality and seeing the world and life (socio-emotional variables). The mental models (Hernández-Guanir, 2002, 2010), as an example of socio-emotional variables, are defined as habitual and peculiar strategies that each person shows in the way of channeling, reacting or interpreting situations of reality (Hernández-Guanir, 1991, 1997 and 2002, 2010). The objective of this research is twofold: on the one hand, to analyze the professional interests and socio-affective variables of a sample of ESO students, and on the other hand, to check if there is a relationship between the socio-emotional variables and the professional interests of the students Facing the academic orientation. For the investigation the test molds and the CIPSA test of professional interests were applied a sample of 200 students of the four courses of the stage of Compulsory Secondary Education of three different centers. The results indicate, among other things, which are the most chosen professional interests and most rejected by these students, and it is possible to observe relations between frames, dimensions and molds with professional interest factors, which confirms the initial hypothesis of interaction between Way of seeing the world and the life and professional interests of students. The models of hyper-analysis, attribution strategies and emotional dissociation can predict, through a multiple linear regression model, the number of choices made by students.
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