Impulsiveness and sensation seeking: implications of intervention in youth
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Impulsiveness and sensation seeking are essential elements in psychological studies interested in contributing to health and well-being of people because they are related to unhealthy behaviors (addictive, disruptive and antisocial). Youth is a stage characterized by a higher frequency of dangerous and impulsive behaviours, especially in highly emotive social events, which favours the increase of these unhealthy behaviours. To test this correlation, we consider: a) explorer the relationship between impulsiveness and sensation seeking; b) analyze gender differences; and c) know the specific dimensions of sensation seeking that have a higher predictive relationship with impulsiveness globally considered and, as well as its dimensions. A sample of 100 university students (52% female and 48% male) with mean age of 21.06 years (SD= 2.19). Outcomes show a statistically significant and positive correlation between the dimensions of Impulsiveness (BIS-11, Barrat, 1985; Spanish version by Oquendo, Baca-García, Graver, Morales, Montalvan and Mann, 2001) and Sensation Seeking (SSS, Zuckerman, Eysenck and Eysenck, 1978, validated by Tous, 1984). Although, the regression analyzes identify Disinhibition as the only dimension of Sensation Seeking with predictive relationship on all dimensions of Impulsiveness. Not finding differences due to gender, we emphasize the importance of including Disinhibition in the impulsiveness intervention programs in young people. Thus, we propose the development of emotional competencies to promote healthier and adaptive behaviours.
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