The relevance of educational and training programs as elements that favor the process of social and labor reintegration of juvenile offenders
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In a clear attempt to organize, manage and facilitate the process of social and labor reintegration of juvenile offenders, the societies of the moment tend to use a wide range of programs and strategies with which they try to prevent the emergence of Criminal and illicit behaviors or, in the event that they are developed, intervene to redirect them to other types of social and labor behavior that end up being widely accepted and valued by the main social and labor networks. Among these programs and strategies of prevention and intervention that have been developed and implemented, in recent years the scientific community begins to accept and recognize the enormous benefits derived from working with these smaller programs of an educational and formative nature, the most significant being the acquisition (Empathy, solidarity, tolerance, cooperation, sacrifice, self-esteem, self-control, etc.) that end up facilitating their full and effective integration into social, community and labor structures. In order to carry out good research in this field, therefore, it is essential to determine all those variables and factors that are present in this type of educational and training programs. Therefore, the present study analyzes the main works developed on the subject of study, with the intention of analyzing and describing the different factors and variables that are present in the educational and training programs, as well as the most outstanding benefits and Parabienes that can report to juvenile offenders who end up becoming habitual users of them. In this way, it is possible to delimit the point from which the successive empirical investigations and programs that try to manage the process of social reintegration and labor of the juvenile offenders will have to start.
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